Consultation opens on Woolworths’ proposed acquisition of SUPA IGA Karabar

The ACCC is seeking views from consumers and businesses in the Queanbeyan area on Woolworths’ proposed acquisition of SUPA IGA Karabar.

Woolworths and SUPA IGA Karabar currently compete in supplying groceries in the broader Queanbeyan region (encompassing Karabar and Jerrabomberra).

Post the acquisition, Woolworths is proposing to operate a Woolworths Metro supermarket on the existing SUPA IGA Karabar premises.

The ACCC is seeking views from interested parties about the distance consumers in the area would typically travel to visit supermarkets and bottle shops, the likely impact of the proposed acquisition on pricing or promotions between local stores, and the impact on local suppliers or retail wholesalers.

A list of the range of issues we are seeking feedback on is available in the market inquiries letter at: Woolworths – SUPA IGA Karabar.

The ACCC invites submissions from interested parties by 7 September 2022.

The ACCC’s final decision is scheduled for 10 November 2022.

More information including how interested parties can share their views is available on the Public Register: Woolworths – SUPA IGA Karabar.


The SUPA IGA Karabar is a mid-sized supermarket of approximately 840sqm trading area which sells a range of groceries as well as a small range of liquor.

The ACCC previously opposed Woolworths’ proposed acquisition of the Karabar Supermarket in 2008 (then trading under the “Supabarn” banner).

Further detail on the ACCC’s 2008 merger review, including the Public Competition Assessment, is available on the ACCC’s Public Mergers Register.

Release number: 
ACCC Infocentre:
Use this form to make a general enquiry.
Media enquiries: 
Media Team – 1300 138 917, [email protected]
Extracted from ACCC

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