
Metcash CEO Questions Heavy Penalties Under New Grocery Code

Metcash CEO Doug Jones has raised concerns over the hefty penalties proposed under a revised mandatory code of conduct, arguing that these fines won’t necessarily lead to lower prices for consumers seeking value. The federal government has accepted all 11 recommendations from Dr Craig Emerson’s review of the food and grocery code of conduct. This […]

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Police Hunt for Armed Robbers After Four Supermarket Hold-Ups

Victoria Police are actively searching for a group of criminals responsible for a string of robberies at four supermarkets across Melbourne’s south-east on Saturday afternoon. According to police, three men armed with knives assaulted store workers and stole cash and cigarettes. They then escaped in a white Mercedes, believed to have been driven by a

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IGA Supermarket Owner Uses Facebook to Shame and Stop Shoplifters

In the quiet town of Dubbo, a supermarket owner has taken a bold stand against shoplifters, using social media to seek justice. Ben Ashcroft, owner of Ashcroft IGA, has turned his store’s Facebook page into a powerful tool to deter thieves, leading to some remarkable outcomes. Ashcroft IGA, with thousands of online followers, has become

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Trust in Coles and Woolworths Plummets Amid Price-Gouging Allegations

Australians’ trust in Coles and Woolworths has plummeted, according to Roy Morgan’s latest quarterly rankings. Woolworths, which had been the top trusted brand since May 2020, has dropped to the 34th position, following accusations of price-gouging alongside rival Coles. Coles has suffered even more, plummeting a record-breaking 221 places to become the ninth least trusted

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jones retail group

Jones Retail Group: A Legacy of Excellence and Community Commitment

Founded three decades ago by Tyrone and Leanne Jones, Jones Retail Group has grown into a powerhouse in Southeast Queensland’s retail grocery sector. The couple has successfully expanded their family business, diversifying its offerings and establishing a strong market presence. With family values at its core, Jones Retail Group is dedicated to employing local talent

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Woolworths ACCC

Woolworths Urges ACCC Supermarket Inquiry To Focus On Retail Industry Facts

Woolworths has urged the competition regulator to undertake a “data-driven, fact-based” investigation into the supermarket industry. This call comes amid a political uproar filled with accusations of price gouging, abuse of market power, and even threats of jail for the Woolworths CEO during a Senate inquiry led by the Greens. In its submission to the

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Coles Warns Construction Woes May Hike Grocery Prices

Fiona Mackenzie, the group’s head of property, warns that skyrocketing construction costs are hindering Coles’ ambitions to build new supermarkets amid a population surge, potentially leading to higher grocery prices. Addressing developers at a Melbourne industry lunch, Mackenzie highlighted the growing challenges. Driven by a departure from Victoria, her team identified several promising locations in

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Woolworths CEO Defends Food Rejection Policies

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci has robustly defended the supermarket chain’s food rejection policies. He underscored that customers’ specific preferences, such as their aversion to oversized bananas, are the driving force behind these policies. This defence was articulated during a South Australian parliamentary inquiry into grocery prices, part of a series of investigations taking place across

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Brad Banducci

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci appears at South Australian grocery price inquiry

According to CEO Brad Banducci, Woolworths, a leading supermarket giant, is prepared to accept lower profits if it means delivering significant value to its customers. During a session with the South Australian legislative council investigating grocery prices, Banducci defended Woolworths’ $1.62 billion profit in 2023. He emphasised that the company would prioritise customer benefits over

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Rural Queensland Supermarkets Threatened by Major Chains

Independent supermarkets in Queensland are facing severe challenges due to the dominant market presence of major retailers Woolworths and Coles, an inquiry has heard. Wayne Mason, the Queensland operations manager for Australian United Retailers, which represents 103 independent FoodWorks supermarkets in the region, raised concerns about the impact of these large supermarkets on smaller, community-based

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Albanese Government to Enforce Mandatory Code on Supermarkets

The Albanese government has made a groundbreaking move by signalling its intention to transform the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct from a voluntary agreement into a mandatory rule for major supermarket chains, including Woolworths, Coles, Metcash, and Aldi. This change comes with the potential for severe penalties if these supermarkets exploit their market dominance

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