Woolworths to Cut Plastic Bags in 3 States

Starting from Monday, Woolworths, a leading supermarket chain, will gradually phase out the sale of its 15-cent plastic shopping bags in three states – NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania. The company’s plan to stop selling these bags from June is being implemented in alignment with its policy. 

Woolworths stated that this change will eliminate more than 9000 tonnes of plastic waste from circulation every year throughout Australia. The supermarket has already phased out the bags in other states and territories in the past year.

Woolworths’ Director of Stores, Jeanette Fenske, expressed her enthusiasm for the decision and stated that it is the best outcome for the environment. She commended the shoppers who have made carrying reusable bags a habit and encouraged them to continue doing so. Ms Fenske also stated that paper bags would still be available for those who forget to bring their own bags.

Ms Fenske highlighted that Woolworths is the first major supermarket to make a commitment to remove plastic shopping bags from their stores. This change is a crucial step towards sustainable grocery shopping across the country, and Woolworths is proud to be at the forefront of it.

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