
Woolworths Introduces Priority Parking for Electric Vehicles

Woolworths is introducing a customer-centric initiative in New Zealand, offering priority parking for select customers based on the eco-friendliness of their vehicles. This new initiative is a boon for shoppers with low-emission vehicles, such as electric and hybrid cars, as it allows them to park closer to the store, saving time and effort. Woolworths is

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Trust in Coles and Woolworths Plummets Amid Price-Gouging Allegations

Australians’ trust in Coles and Woolworths has plummeted, according to Roy Morgan’s latest quarterly rankings. Woolworths, which had been the top trusted brand since May 2020, has dropped to the 34th position, following accusations of price-gouging alongside rival Coles. Coles has suffered even more, plummeting a record-breaking 221 places to become the ninth least trusted

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Woolworths ACCC

Woolworths Urges ACCC Supermarket Inquiry To Focus On Retail Industry Facts

Woolworths has urged the competition regulator to undertake a “data-driven, fact-based” investigation into the supermarket industry. This call comes amid a political uproar filled with accusations of price gouging, abuse of market power, and even threats of jail for the Woolworths CEO during a Senate inquiry led by the Greens. In its submission to the

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Woolworths CEO Defends Food Rejection Policies

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci has robustly defended the supermarket chain’s food rejection policies. He underscored that customers’ specific preferences, such as their aversion to oversized bananas, are the driving force behind these policies. This defence was articulated during a South Australian parliamentary inquiry into grocery prices, part of a series of investigations taking place across

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Brad Banducci

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci appears at South Australian grocery price inquiry

According to CEO Brad Banducci, Woolworths, a leading supermarket giant, is prepared to accept lower profits if it means delivering significant value to its customers. During a session with the South Australian legislative council investigating grocery prices, Banducci defended Woolworths’ $1.62 billion profit in 2023. He emphasised that the company would prioritise customer benefits over

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Rural Queensland Supermarkets Threatened by Major Chains

Independent supermarkets in Queensland are facing severe challenges due to the dominant market presence of major retailers Woolworths and Coles, an inquiry has heard. Wayne Mason, the Queensland operations manager for Australian United Retailers, which represents 103 independent FoodWorks supermarkets in the region, raised concerns about the impact of these large supermarkets on smaller, community-based

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Brad Banducci

The Senate Supermarket Inquiry has Presented 14 Recommendations

Woolworths’ CEO Brad Banducci recently came under fire during a tense Senate inquiry session, but despite the heated discussions, he will not face any legal repercussions or jail time. This decision comes amidst a broader push by a Greens-led Senate committee, which has strongly critiqued the dominance of major supermarket chains like Woolworths and Coles

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Brad Banducci

Departing CEO Brad Banducci concedes that Woolworths was “out-traded” by Coles

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci recently acknowledged that competitor Coles had outperformed his company during the last quarter. Woolworths faced challenges like unpopular promotions, supply chain disruptions, and cautious consumer spending habits, leading to lower-than-expected sales. This widened the gap between Woolworths and Coles and missed analysts’ predictions. Banducci, who will soon step down, leaves behind

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Woolworths Faces Margin Pressure in Battle Against Coles

Woolworths faces a potential squeeze on its profit margins as it takes action to compete with its smaller rival, Coles. Coles has recently been outpacing Woolworths in terms of sales and market share growth, marking a shift in the competitive landscape. Despite this, Coles still trails behind Woolworths regarding food division profits. Analysts have noted

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Woolworths acknowledges underpaying employees by $1.24 million

Woolworths’ turbulent week has plunged it into even deeper trouble. First, its CEO, Brad Banducci, faced potential jail time for refusing to answer questions in a Senate inquiry on supermarket price gouging. Now, the company has admitted in a Melbourne court that it didn’t properly pay long service leave to over 1,200 former employees in

Woolworths acknowledges underpaying employees by $1.24 million Read More »

Peter Dutton

Opposition Leader Calls for Action Against Coles and Woolworths

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has made strong accusations against Coles and Woolworths, claiming that they are hindering competition by holding onto undeveloped land near their stores. He has pledged to take action to safeguard consumers from potential price hikes. The Coalition is devising a plan to forcefully dismantle the dominance of these supermarket giants if

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supermarket giant

Supermarket Giants Brace for Profit Hits Amid Government Scrutiny

Amid ongoing government inquiries into supermarket practices, experts are already predicting potential financial blows for major players like Woolworths and Coles. Before these investigations conclude, analysts are weighing the potential impact on these industry giants’ profits. Australian federal and state governments are actively engaging with the supermarket chains, prompting them to take preemptive measures against

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