Coles and Woolworths criticised for promoting defunct recycling program

Questions have been raised regarding the promotion of a soft plastic recycling program by Coles and Woolworths, despite its collapse last year. Both retailers still inform customers through plastic packaging for various products that they can return soft plastics to stores for recycling.

However, a recent photo uploaded by a shopper on social media shows Coles still promoting packaging as recyclable, even though the REDcycle program has ceased to exist. Some argue that this could be a case of “greenwashing” – using unsubstantiated claims to deceive consumers into believing that a company’s products are environmentally friendly.

On the other hand, some people believe that the packaging being used is probably leftover from before the collapse of REDcycle. Coles has confirmed that they are continuing to use packaging produced prior to the downfall of REDcycle, to avoid additional waste going directly to landfill.

Customers have been informed through various channels that the REDcycle program is no longer operating. Coles and Woolworths are working with industry and governments to find a sustainable alternative solution to soft plastics recycling in Australia.

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