Grocery worker hurls carton of custard at knife-wielding armed robber

Two women working in a Queensland grocery store have defended themselves against an armed robber by throwing a carton of custard at the thief.
The masked man had entered the store in Redcliffe, south-east Queensland, armed with a large knife, before threatening the two employees, aged 41 and 59, at around 7.30 pm last night.
CCTV captured the incident, as the man headed straight for the store’s cash register.
One of the women threw a carton of custard at the robber, hitting him in the head. (Queensland Police)
(Queensland Police)
One of the women was seen throwing a large carton of the custard at the man to deter him, hitting him on the head.
The man, covered in the sticky dessert, then fled the scene.
Both women were unharmed and nothing was stolen from the store.
The man, armed with a knife had attempted to steal from a store in Redcliffe, Queensland. (Queensland Police)
The man, covered in custard then fled the store. (Queensland Police)
Police are appealing to members of the public to help identify the man.
He is described as having a stocky build and around 180cm tall, with a Pacific Island or New Zealand accent.
Extracted from 9news

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