Australia’s first home brand gets a makeover

After more than 30 years, Australia’s first home brand is getting a makeover.

IGA’s Black and Gold is Australia’s heritage private label brand, selling 400 basic essentials and promising Aussie shoppers good value, every day.

Over the coming months, the classic bright yellow packaging will disappear from IGA shelves and be replaced with a new-look budget range.

Estella Young is head of private label at IGA.

She said the company wanted to update the branding.

“The absolute role and the reason that Black and Gold exists is to be the entry-level price point,” she said.

“It’s been around a long time, and we think there’s a real opportunity to make sure the design is more up to date with a more modern look and feel.

“We also want shoppers to know that what’s inside the pack is as good as the pack looks.”

At the IGA testing lab, food technologists are assessing the new products before customers make the switch.

From Karen testing baked beans to Sarah taking care of porridge, Jodie on pizzas and Chris on whipped cream, the experts are making sure everything is ready.

Everything from the colour of the baked bean sauce to the beans-to-sauce ratio is perfected.

“Really you want it to be nice and glossy, you want it to be red, not too orange because you want it to look tomatoey and taste tomatoey,” Karen said.

IGA claims it’s possible to get all your pantry staples for just $28 by buying Black and Gold products.

A trolley full of household essentials – like frozen foods, cheese, eggs and washing powder – will set a family back $83, according to IGA.

You’ll pay a similar price for Black and Gold as you will for Coles and Woolworths entry-level private label products.

But compared to the name brands, it’s cheaper.

  • Black and Gold’s cling wrap is $1.65, while Glad will set you back $5
  • Baked Beans are 65 cents a can, while SPC is $2.20
  • Black and Gold’s spaghetti is 79 cents, while San Remo is $2.30
  • You’ll get two litres of barbecue sauce at IGA for $5.25 but pay $8.50 for Masterfoods

Mum-of-four Alyssa’s also an undercover product tester.

She buys IGA products and gives the supermarket her feedback.

“When you’re living on a budget, you have to shop around,” she said.

“And obviously if I didn’t like the product, there’s no way I’d give it a good review.”

By buying mostly home brand products, Alyssa believes she’s saving her family at least $50 a week.

Retail expert Paul Greenberg said every big brand needs a rebrand once in a while.

“I call it old wine in a new bottle,” he said.

“All the big retailers have a house brand strategy and I think it’s an important part of the product mix.

“But it’s got to offer great value for money and it’s got to be quality products. ”


Extracted from 9Now

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